Jake Blanchard is a freelance illustrator living and working in Todmorden, West Yorkshire. His work is often inspired by the natural world as well as mythology and ancient cultures. Much of his work embraces the aesthetics of psychedelia. As well as working as an Illustrator Jake also runs record label and zine publishers, Tor Press. His work has appeared in Creative Review, Computer Arts & Design week amongst other publications.
He has exhibited throughout the UK and USA as well as in France, Denmark and New Zealand.
Clients Include-
Kew Gardens
The Guardian
Granta Publishing
London Fields Brewery
EasyJet Magazine
The Early Learning Centre
Random House
Douglas & Gordon
Pressure Drop Brewery
Broadway Malyan
The Ride Journal
Habitat Skateboards
És Footwear
Norse Projects
Adapt Snowboards
Tyrant Snowboards
Bow + Arrow
Relix Magazine
Color Magazine
Research World
Bad Idea
New Humanist
Skyscraper Magazine
The Idler
Drag City
Fence Records
Sub Rosa
Supersonic Festival
Important Records
Thrill Jockey
Blackest Rainbow
The Great Pop Supplement
Graveface Records
Tiny Showcase
Exhibitions include-
Pick Me Up 2012, Somerset House, London, UK. 03/12
Wrapping Paper, Bunaccorsi and Agniel, Providence, USA
Hylozoism, Bardens, London, UK. 03/11
People Of Print Perdu, TPTP, Paris, France. 05/10
Pick Me Up 2010, Somerset House, London, UK. 05/10
A Tapestry Of Dalston, The Print House Gallery, London, UK. 04/10
Prints Charming, Welcome Home Gallery, Glasgow, UK. 12/09
Waiheke A Microcosm Of Diaspora, Waiheke Art Gallery,NZ. 08/09
Power In Numbers, Tech Superpowers, Boston, USA. 07/09
Story Motel, Owl And Lion Gallery, Edinburgh, UK. 05/09
Power In Numbers, Bohdi Gallery, London, UK. 05/09
Hey I Know That Guy, Washington Street Arts Centre, Boston, USA. 01/09
Into The Woods, Truman Brewery, London, UK. 06/08